Pronto Alzheimer Rome almost 5 thousand requests in 2017, 255 from Lazio

Pronto Alzheimer Roma: nearly 5,000 requests in 2017, 255 from Lazio

02-809767 is the number for Pronto Alzheimer’s, Italy’s first telephone helpline for guidance and assistance to people with dementia and their families. Established in 1993, it has been run continuously for 24 years by the Alzheimer’s Federation Italy, the nation’s largest nonprofit dedicated to supporting sufferers and those who live alongside them.
45549 is the solidarity number to which you can send a text message (to donate 2 euros) or make a call from a landline (to donate 5 or 10 euros) from January 21 to February 10, 2018 to support Pronto Alzheimer’s, which provides free consultations every day through the availability and expertise of specialized operators and volunteers.

In its 24 years of operation, Pronto Alzheimer’s has responded to and handled more than 150 thousand requests

In the past year alone, there have been 4808 contacts (data from January 1 to December 20, 2017) – arrived through phone calls but also e-mails and letters – who were given advice related to the management of the sick person at home and in specific situations, an indication of facilities in the area to which to turn, a legal or social security answer, psychological help.
An increasing number of people are also requesting an appointment at the Pronto Alzheimer’s desk, so they can have direct contact with operators, even in the presence of their family member with dementia.
Coming from all over Italy, requests for help are concentrated first and foremost in Lombardy, where there are 2.098 contacts (Alzheimer’s Federation Italy has its headquarters in Milan). Lazio follows with 255 contacts, mainly located in the capital city. Finally, Piedmont (208), Emilia Romagna (172), Veneto (162) emerge.

Gabriella Salvini Porro, president of Alzheimer’s Federation Italy

“The person with dementia placed at the center, with his or her dignity and an increasingly high quality of life. This is our daily priority, guiding every choice we make and every project we carry out with energy and the strength of not being alone”.

Alzheimer’s disease is the most common cause of dementia (accounting for 60 percent of all cases)

The 2015 World Alzheimer’s Report notes that there are 46.8 million people in the world with a form of dementia (an estimated 35 million in 2010), a figure set to nearly double every 20 years. New cases of dementia are more than 9.9 million each year, or one new case every 3.2 seconds.
In Italy, it is estimated that dementia affects 1.241.000 people (who will become 1.609.000 in 2030 and 2.272.000 in 2050). New cases in 2015 are 269.000 and costs amounted to 37.6 billion.

Solidarity number: 45549 – Period: Jan. 21 to Feb. 10, 2018

The value of the donation will be 2 euros for each SMS sent from personal cell phones Wind Tre, TIM,
Vodafone, PosteMobile, Coop Voce and Tiscali. It will also be 5 euros for each call made to the
same number from Vodafone, TWT, Convergenze and PosteMobile landlines; it will instead be 5 or 10 euros with
TIM, Wind Tre, Fastweb and Tiscali landline calls.
Alzheimer’s Federation Italy is the largest national nonprofit organization dedicated to the
promotion of medical and scientific research into the causes, treatment and care for the disease of
Alzheimer’s, to the support and advocacy of patients and their families, to the protection of their rights in both
Administrative as well as legislative. Brings together and coordinates 47 associations that deal with the disease and operates
nationally and locally to create a network of help around sufferers and their families.