Helpful tips on how to deal calmly with your first pregnancy

Useful tips on how to deal peacefully with the first pregnancy

Fears and doubts are common among women struggling with their first pregnancy. A healthy lifestyle is important to safeguard the health of mother and baby, and so is undergoing prenatal screening examinations.

Nutrition needs to be controlled. Appropriate nutrition, without overeating, should be done to introduce the proper nutrients for the baby’s development and give energy to the pregnant woman. Gaining too much weight can facilitate the onset of diseases such as diabetes, which is dangerous for mom and baby.

Forbid drinking and smoking during pregnancy and breastfeeding: the baby gets everything the mother gets. Gynecologists ban smoking and alcohol to prevent the’occurrence of even serious complications. Ingesting alcoholic beverages can cause fetal alcohol syndrome in the baby, a condition that leads to mental and physical disorders. Smoking reduces direct blood flow to the fetus with possibility of premature birth.

Having ascertained pregnancy, one should undergo specific blood tests to check for viral infections or diseases and to find out if the pregnant woman is immune to toxoplasmosis or rubella (taken during pregnancy they could harm the unborn child). The gynecologist, choosing the most suitable prenatal screening procedure, will also prescribe these tests for the pregnant woman.

Medications are not banned, but the pregnant woman should not resort to DIY. Gynecologist will recommend medications for certain ailments that are not harmful to the fetus. If the pregnant woman is taking daily medications because she has a medical condition, she should consult a specialist who will indicate the most appropriate course of treatment.

Age of the pregnant woman older than 35 years 1 or cases of chromosomal or genetic abnormalities in the family may increase the possibility of chromosomal defects in the fetus. Gynecologist or doctor specializing in genetics are the people to whom one should turn to find out the most suitable prenatal screening tests to be done.

Amniocentesis and villocentesis (invasive prenatal diagnostic tests), are able to provide a diagnostic outcome for the detection of fetal abnormalities. Have a risk of d’abortion of 1 percent 1 .

Fetal DNA testing is a noninvasive prenatal screening test with no risk of miscarriage. Examines fetal DNA fragments in maternal blood and detects with 99.9% reliability 2 , chromosomal alterations such as Down syndrome, trisomy 21 and Edwards syndrome.